Annie Hughes
annmadelynhughes [@]
Formlabs - Mechanical Engineer, Sustaining Engineering Team
Working on sustaining engineering and issue tracking efforts for Formlabs products, which includes root cause analysis of failed components, test/jig design, and analysis of field data for defining top product issues.
Poly6 - Mechanical Engineering Intern
Researched experimental methods for materials characterization. Designed and carried out experiments focused on characterizing 3D printed materials.
Navigant Consulting - Summer Consultant
Conducted risk analyses of construction schedules in Excel and gave written recommendations to clients. Created graphics for visualization of schedule delay and risk areas for projects.
MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ideation Lab - Researcher
Drew graphics and wrote user surveys to determine the effect of consumer products geared towards sustainability on user behavior.
Bao, Q., Hughes, A. M., Burnell, E., and Yang, M. C., “Investigating User Emotional Responses to Eco-feedback Designs,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Quebec City, Canada, 2018.
Orbotech Ltd. - Research and Development Intern
Designing and characterizing 3D printed structures for use in flexible PCBs. Writing code in MATLAB for pick and place of small electronic components with a robotic arm.
MIT Department of Civil Engineering, Laboratory for Advanced Biopolymers - Researcher
Investigated organic materials and methods for coating fruit to slow decomposition. Designed and built an experimental setup for spraying silk suspensions from an ultrasonic nozzle. Presented project at annual department research event.
Somerville, MA
Jul 2019 - Present
Boston, MA
Jan 2019
Boston, MA
Jun-Aug 2018
Cambridge, MA
Sep 2017-May 2018
Yavne, Israel
Jun-Aug 2017
Cambridge, MA
Jan-Jun 2016
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Candidate for Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Coursework: Mechanics and Materials, Dynamics and Control, Thermal-Fluids Engineering, Design and Manufacturing, Measurement and Instrumentation, Numerical Computation, Management in Engineering, Control of Manufacturing Processes
Design Coursework: Objects and Interactions, Drawing for Designers, Costume Design, Design Across Scales and Disciplines
Cambridge, MA
June 2019